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Beyond G12

4.8 ( 3968 ratings )

Beyond G12 helps Canadian high schoolers to plan, track and monitor their grades and performance in Grade 11 and Grade 12 against their desired university and college programs. Created by Zohar Krishna in Grade 12, Beyond G12 has been created by a student for students.

Key Features

Capture your target university / college programs
- Capture your target university, program, admission GPA ranges and pre-requisite subjects
- Beyond G12 automatically checks these against your Grade 11 and Grade 12 and lets you know if you are on track and covering all the pre-requisite subjects

Track your Grade 11 and Grade 12 performance
- Setup your Grade 11 and Grade 12 subjects and scores and get a clear idea of how your top 6 subjects GPA looks like
- Beyond G12 automatically takes pre-requisites into account and calculates the top 6 subjects for each of your programs

Manage your performance
- Review the top 6 GPA calculated to understand where you stand relative to the admission ranges.
- See if you are in-range (green) or need extra work (orange) at a glance.

Tailor to your specific needs
- Adjust university admission ranges to reflect your level of extra-curricular activities.
- Bring the range down by 3 when your extra-curriculars include solving world hunger and speaking at the UN.
- Plus 3 to the range when your extra-curriculars are just volunteering.
- Want to exclude a subject from the top 6 GPA calculations - just turn the Grade 12 indicator off.
- Adjust your subjects, scores, ranges and grades to your satisfaction and to reflect your needs.
- Try modelling the future. See what a 99% in Calculus does to your grades.

Try Beyond G12 - It is free and built in Canada.

- Beyond G12 uses the Subject Code to match Grade 11/ Grade 12 Enrolled Subjects with University Program Pre-requisite subjects. Make sure that they match exactly in case and spacing
- Beyond G12 supports Dark Mode and Light Mode